Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Americas Watchdog Offers Assistance For Frozen Or Devalued Cash Equivalents, ARS & Suggests Do's & Don'ts For A Wild 2009 Economic Ride

Americas Watchdog's Wall Street Fraud Watchdog is warning that from an economic standpoint, 2009 will make 2008 look like a walk in the park. In the strongest terms possible the Wall Street Fraud Watchdog is encouraging all US, or international investors, who were defrauded with auction rate securities, and or failed or frozen cash equivalents, to not sit on their hands, waiting for the government to come riding into the rescue. According to the group, " in the case of smaller banks or stock brokerage firms, it will not happen." The group is also offering to help and or assist Bernard Madoff victims that may have a possible SIPC claim. "2009 absolutely terrifies us, we are looking right down the barrel of a global economic meltdown, so if you have failed or frozen ARPS, Schwab Yield Plus, TD Ameritrade Reserve Yield Plus, or any other problematic cash equivalent call us, and we will try to help put you on a track to get your money back, before its too late." US or International investors who were duped into buying auction rate securities, failed or frozen cash equivalents can call the Wall Street Fraud Watchdog anytime at 866-714-6466 or visit their web site at Http://WallStreetFraudWatchdog.Com (PRWeb Jan 7, 2009)

Read the full story at


[Source: PRWeb: Home and Family Banking / Personal Finance]

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